Friday, October 18, 2013


So I wanted to write a blog post, mostly for myself so I can remember times like these. I am thinking of also keeping a word document for myself so I can remember more things of my time being married and all these crazy adventures we are having.

Speaking of which, Matt's internship with the church ended and we were down to the wire on where to go for a job. We had plans to move to Indiana as most of you know, but we also wanted to enjoy our summer a little bit so we decided on our way home we would stop by Indiana get all things settled and then have a mini vacation in Virginia. Boy did we have fun.

I had one of the famous baking days with Teri, my mom, and even Alanna joined us this time! We had so much baking all day and we tried out some new things. Alanna made this delicious mini apple crisp thing that just melts in your mouth, I attempted at making an inside out smores that didn't turn out too awesome. We made little sugar cookies with kitties on them for Halloween, and many other things I can't remember right now.

We also visited our ALL TIME FAVORITE Ice Cream place, CARLS

Oh we love this place so much, this ice cream is literally the best. Ask anyone from our area.

One of the best things that happened during our time home was being able to see Baby Tucker! I kept teasing Erica saying that she better have the baby while I was in Virginia so I can see it. She timed it perfectly, because literally the day before we left she had a beautiful baby boy, Tucker.
Doesn't he just look so precious? I have to say seeing one of my best friends since I have known since 3rd GRADE, have a baby was amazing. It really made me stop and think of how all of us are really growing up and moving into this next stage of our lives. It was so much fun being apart of that even for a little bit and I loved going to see him and Erica and getting to met him, and I will for sure stop by around Christmas to see him some more.

Also over the summer we missed the huge get together at the beach with Sharon and everyone. So she was sweet enough to take us down to the beach for a few days and we loved it. We got to hang out with Sharon and Jono and relax by the beach and have a fabulous seafood dinner, we got to see my awesome cousins Colin, Toria, and my Aunt Sharon! [LOVE YOU GUYS, ps we are so loud at restaurants but who cares?]  We had so much fun and thank you for taking us Momma! We loved it.

While we were also home my dad is just amazing, can I just say that? He does a lot of things when it comes to cars, and takes care of our whole family especially his daughter. I am so grateful for him and I know it was a lot getting us all set up but all in all... We are so so grateful for...

Ted! This is Ted our new car, and we love Ted so much. We are so grateful to our family for counseling us and being there for us during this time. It was a big purchase for us and a huge responsibility but we are so grateful for Ted. It is really nice having two cars, especially in a new place.

Now to get down to where we are now. It is a funny story but I will make it short, basically we were literally driving with my mom, Mel, and then Matt gets a phone call for a job offer. He really wanted Matt and sent him over an offer letter via email 2 hours later. So we had a tough decision to make, so we made a pro and con list [yes don't laugh we actually made one] Then we pulled up to a rest stop and told my mom and all signs pointed to this other job. I felt really bad about making my mom an brother drive all the way to Indiana with us [and with a Uhaul mind you] to have to turn around and go to Arkansas.

I was nervous about moving to Arkansas because I was prepared to move to Indiana. I did all my research, and we got housing, the whole nine yards. Then here we were moving to Arkansas and trying to find housing in a day...literally. Luckily we did and we love our new place, I am sure most of you have seen the pictures of our apartment. So far we really like it here and it very green, lots of back roads and it reminds me of Virginia a lot so that helps.

So far the things I have learned about Arkansas is that we are in the south for sure, people are really polite here and they have southern accents. They love using the phrase "ya'll" which makes me smile and they are just genuinely polite no matter were we go so far. Another thing that became completely obvious was the dedication they have for their team down here, don't know them? Well come visit us and I guarantee once you cross the border into the state you will notice you have entered Razorback country.

Matt says we need to fit in and get some Razorback stuff so we can be accepted and make some friends. Sorry I am not changing my allegiance so easily, I will always be a VA Tech fan and BYU because of obvious reasons. Even though we will be here for two years I am not changing that about me, I might get an accent...I doubt it.

So right now this is where we are, Matt is working for HP here in Arkansas for two years and then getting transferred to where they need a tech guy. They say our chances to get back to Virginia are a very very high because we are the only ones in that area. So fingers crossed!

Lastly we stole Zach and Katie's idea for dates. [I am the only one writing on here too, sorry we aren't as cool as you guys; Matt likes me writing on this because he likes looking and remembering the times we had together.] So we are doing ABC Dates, I started it this week with A and it gives us an opportunity to explore our city better. We first went to Arby's for dinner, then to Starbucks favorite fall drink, Apple Cider and played the Alphabet game.

To play this Alphabet game we went back and forth naming things we love in the other person like..
Matt:  Beautiful
You get the idea, and then when we went back to the start of the Alphabet we started naming other things we liked and got creative with it. It even brought up some funny stories from our younger days that we didn't know about each other and it was a lot of fun. We came home and we wanted to watch a movie that started with A, and decided on Anchorman.

I am so grateful for my family and the time they took out to spend with us and guide us. Thank you SO SO Much for everything that you do and I appreciate all the love and sacrifice that they do for us. We are so very blessed with our loving family and I am so grateful to my husband and all that he does for me. I love our date nights and learning new things about him still, we are coming up on two years and I can't believe it! Well I think that is it for now, until next time. 

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